Winning an award is always a great experience and it generally affirms the work you have placed into achieving your goals and passions.
On Friday we won the Excellence in Leadership award at the Wellington Region Business Excellence Awards 2015 and while we try not to ‘shout out’ about our successes it did make me reflect on what being in business …
I often refer to my belief that our treasure ships come in over calm seas. Within this context, below I explain how to build cash and things to be aware of that may prevent this from occurring.
WHY is Positive Cash Flow so important?
Well, ask anyone who has experienced both positive and negative cash flow. Get them to list out the …
I believe our treasure ships come in over calm seas. So, it is important to reduce un-calming influences. One main un-calming influence is financial stress, which is often created by inappropriately high debt levels.
Helping your Treasure Ships Come In – Why, What and How of Getting out of Debt
Helping your Treasure Ships Come In …